open - innovation | learning | mentorship

schematic design - pcb design - microcontrollers - 3d printing

kicad | orcad | allegro

pic | avr | msp430 | esp8266 | esp32 | arduino | micropython | pi pico


multidrop UART

low complexity shared multidrop UART bus
device discovery, address resolution, gpio, adc
rs422 hardware nodes, python UART validation

battery chargers, LEDs, USB devices

multiple li-ion (LiFePO4, NMC/NMA) circuits/projects
switched USB devices, power monitors

micro/circuit-python experiment

exploring hardware design with circuit python, ide/tooless code distribution
open-source battery management software - frictionless embedded device customization

  • usb pd
  • About

    peter hill - electrical designer - embedded hardware

    hobbyist | exploring the world of microcontrollers, low power design, rechargeable batteries, home automation, 3D printing

    in employment | building complex high-reliability hardware, embedded systems, pcb and schematic design - architecture - technical review - always learning

    currently exploring | retrieval augmented generation (rag), llm's, open-source models, openai wrappers, offline tools

    sharing knowledge, design, passion for the craft & inspiring others to do the same